Friday, February 24, 2012

Yellow Tomatoes????

This is something special I grew this year.....yellow tomatoes!!!!  I wanted to give a few different varieties of tomatoes a go this year and this one is so cool!!!  My goal next year is to plant enough to make yellow tomato sauce - sounds wrong, but anything's worth a go!!!

What's your favourite variety??  Sam

Thursday, February 23, 2012

A lovely drive in the country....

A lovely drive down the road from our place takes us to the lovely Byaduk General Store.  A lovely lady took this over a few months ago and has done a fantastic job!!!  She has a lovely mix of Antiques and new pieces.......check out the gorgeous photos....

Definately worth the drive to Byaduk!!!  Sam

Saturday, February 11, 2012

A day in the garden.....

As you have probably guessed, I love to recycle!!  As well as being great for the enviroment, it is also much more affordable than buying new building materials.  One thing we have discovered since moving to the country and buying a few acres is everything is on a much "grander" scale than in a suburban backyard. 

One of the reasons we came back to the country was to have the space to grow our own produce.  Unfortunately we bought a house with very little established in the garden in terms of vegetables etc.  So, we have planted plenty of tomatoes which you have seen did really well (really well!!!! we are still picking 10-15kg per week).  However, our strawberries didn't fruit as well as we would have liked. 

Another thing which is great in the country is clearing/garage sales.  So a couple of weeks ago we saw 2 big water tanks which had the bottom rusted out, we knew we could do somthing with them (they were only $10).  We cut them in half and this is what we came up with - an instant strawberry patch right near the back door.  The other is a kitchen herb garden full of our favourite herbs.  One of the things I just had to get was a "Pink" strawberry plant (the flowers are pink instead of white), they are just gorgeous......

Just beautiful for Valentines Day!!!  Anyway, hope you're having fun in your garden!!!!
